A few days ago, I was sending out the daily Capital Markets update to my team when my email crashed. When I reopenned the mail, I received the latest Career Services interview update... turned down for another Private Wealth Management internship.
I like my signs loud and clear. I, like the markets, do not like uncertainty. And it seems like something is telling me that I am meant to be in Sales & Trading. So far I've got 100% return on interviews in Sales & Trading (even from ones with glaring errors in the cover letters) and 0% return on Private Wealth. Okay, I get it.
And then I took the StrengthFinder 2.0 (cue dramatic music) and the results confirmed my suspicions.
My main 5 strengths were:
Woo: Ability to win people over. Woo sounds like this: "I have made best friends out of people that I have met passing in the doorway. I mean, it's awful, but wooing is part of who I am. I call people and say, 'I love you' and I mean it because I love people easily. All my taxi drivers propose to me." Oh yes....
Communication: Ability to influence & persuade
Positivity: Always looking on the bright side
Empathy: Putting yourself in another's shoes
Includer: An instinctly accepting person. Regardless of race, sex or nationality you cast few judgements.
And then I saw that this was basically the characteristics of a very good Salesperson. Just another sign that I was on the right track. Things were beginning to fall in place.
I think that most people concentrate on 'fixing' their weaknesses, instead of developing their strengths. My philosophy is that I'd go a lot farther in life by simply investing in my strengths.
Mark Twain once described a man who died and met St. Peter at the Pearly Gates. Knowing that St. Peter was very wise, the man asked a question that he had wondered about throughout his life.
"St. Peter, I have been interested in military history for many years. Who was the greatest general of all time?"
St. Peter responded, "Oh, that's simple. It's that man over there."
"You must be mistaken," responded the man. "I knew that man on earth, and he was just a common laborer."
"That's right my friend," assured St. Peter. "He would have been the greatest general of all time, if he had been a general."
So I've decided that I'm not going to rip my head off trying to understand Decision Analysis. I've studied with many engineers, consultants, and even the professor. But I will never be able to compete with all the smart people in my class for a top grade in DA, or ABP. So I am going to spend my weekend focusing on my strengths, ie studying Accounting, Managing People & Capital Markets, because these are the things that will be more useful in my career... where I'm meant to be.
The Power of Persistence
Hace 6 días
2 comentarios:
wow! i just read the book (forgot the name) of the guy who created the StrengthFinder 2.0 just a few hours ago... i searched google to try to find that mark twain quote and came across your blog entry from december 07
i never took the challenge cuz i wasnt sure if i should go all the way (cold feet, i guess). so my question to you is, did it really help you? are you benefiting from the results you got?
if its been positive for you i'll take the plunge...
take care and good luck
I can say that it has definitely been an adventure. I am constantly revising my aims for where I want to go versus where I am meant to be, because I am the type of person that needs an answer for open-ended questions like that for security.
If you are thinking of taking the plunge, I would take it. The only consolation I can give you is that it is much better than not taking it!
By the way, I think it is going quite positive... but the results came at a lag ;-)
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