There is an age old principle you hear a lot about in Medicine, Occam's Razor, which is paraphrased to say "All other things being equal, the simplest solution is the best." We all search for that moment in life where the answer chrystalizes in front of you... when you know, without a doubt, that this is what you are supposed to do with the problem. And it is most often the simpliest solution.
For me, the answer chrystalized when I was writing the second ABP paper. Suddenly I felt the urge to announce that I've finally found my purpose in life. I've rediscovered my love for Banking! I simply love the markets. And I could finally say, with enthusiasm, that "I want to be in Sales & Trading!!!" And this MBA made me rediscover that, with a swift kick in the pants.
At first, I had my doubts about London, and now I am excited of the possibility of moving there and spending the next few years of my life in the United Kingdom. At least I won't be earning in dollars....
And the holiday season is here. What a lovely time of year to be in!
The Power of Persistence
Hace 6 días
2 comentarios:
Wrong. It postulates that "simpler is generally better".
You are right! Shouldn't you be studying Accounting?
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