Today were the final presentations for TOGOR (Toma de Decisiones y Gobierno de las Organizaciones). Our presentation covered the executive decisions of UBS regarding a new compensation system to top executives after the Swiss bailout. We did it in English, and although we were allowed to, I was secretly worried that we should have done it in Spanish. The truth was, we could have done our presentation in Spanish, but we decided that the quality would be better in English. It was, but I secretly wondered what it would have been like to get up there and explain banking in Spanish. I knew I could do it...
The FISCAL (Fiscalidad) final came next. It was a written exam explaining what you had learned about the Spanish taxation system. When I walked into the room I felt like vomiting, because the truth was, I hardly understood anything that went on in there. It was too legalese and specific to Spain, which I knew nothing about. But I studied off some Spaniard's notes and reading some text was very helpful, so I was able to turn out a pretty good exam.
After the exam, I felt pleased with myself. Some things in my life are not going so well, which are not my problem, and not my fault, but it affects me. And as I was walking down the hill to the bus, I thought first "Man I would like to visit my friends in Colombia and dance and have some fun right now." And then secondly came my real thought: "Although I have been tired of Spain and continental Europe and speaking Spanish, sometimes it's kind of cool to interact in Spanish. I think I might like living in Madrid."
Why Madrid? Last week I had an interview with the Portuguese renewable energy company EDP Renovaveis, for a Corporate Finance position in Madrid. I started the interview in Spanish, then ended up switching to English to explain the Finance terms. I think they really liked me. I didn't much like the prospect of staying in Spain, but the company and the job seemed really nice, and after a few years, I'd like to relocate back to the States, since they have offices there. Notwithstanding, I hope I get the job.
I'm also looking at jobs in London. Why London? Because they speak English there. :) But it is still close to Europe, and I might not be ready to go home yet. And many good friends of mine will be there. After London in rank, I'd like to be in New York for the same reasons, then if all else fails, I'd pick up all my things where ever I am and move back to New Orleans. I'd probably envision myself working for Tulane, perhaps being a lecturer in Corporate Finance. Then everyday after work I'd have a drink on the porch of the infamous Column's Hotel and watch the passerby on St. Charles.
Nice life. Pero solo falta una cosa......
The Power of Persistence
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