viernes, 30 de noviembre de 2007

A Good Day for Bankers

Today I made my COW presentation, which I handed off the title to Florian, another ex-Investment Banker. Alot of the quotes this week (baring Florian's) were strange instead of funny, so I decided to make the theme of the week "WTF" thinking of this short clip:

End of The World

When I got to school, the front page of the Financial Times read "Snooty Bankers Blamed for Credit Crunch." I almost died laughing. It was an interesting day.

Another good thing that happened to me today was that I got extended another Banking interview, this time with my (tied to second choice) company. So far everyone I had applied for had accepted me for a January interview. And I have to admit, I am excited. I tried to deny it before, but I really do love Banking. Banking is who I am. I just don't like working in Corporate Finance. That job requires the best problem solvers in the world, and I like immediate answers. Hence, Sales and Trading.

I love it. I do feel so complete. And yesterday I turned in my application for the Lehman Fellowship. I think I did a good job on it. With that out of the way, that leaves time to work on my ABP case the whole... entire... weekend....

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