Today I attended a lunch with Heinrich Liechtenstein regarding issues we may have with his class. After a brief discussion about our individual team's concerns, the topic moved on to his perceptions of our section. He had said that our section seemed more "serious", "competitive" and "not relaxed." Moreover, he explained that Section B was like a completely different environment. For example, when he steps up in front of the Section A class, he cannot tell if the students are enjoying his class because we all look so "serious".
It was a stereotype set in stone even in the beginning of the year, second years have told me that Section A is the "hardworking, competitive, studious" section and B is the "laid-back, fun section who 'takes it easy'". How far it goes into the Stereotypical Types A and B influences, I don't know. But what I do know is that it feels like in my section, everyone strives to say the most remarkable comments, that others who may have a grip of the case are intimidated to speak, for fear that their comment is not "star quality." I was one of those students. Until Liechtenstein started cold calling, and I started getting all the answers right. That built preliminary confidence that I was able to carry onto my other classes.
I admit I went through a period of being quiet in class, but then I realized that I cared too much about what other people thought, and that I should say what I think and move on. I came here to learn and grow. The only way you can do this is to make mistakes. And I think that most people in Section A are afraid of making mistakes.
And Section B has their section dinners, section Valentines' serenades, their COW competitions... we have none of that. Although I am proud to be Section A, some part of me yearns for that cozier, more cohesive environment of Section B. Maybe I would grow more personally there. But maybe the learning curve would be less steep. I don't know.
All I know is that I have just looked inside my inbox and found an invitation to interview with Barclays Wealth Strategy Consultants....
The Power of Persistence
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And I think Section B would appreciate your comments much more
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