miércoles, 20 de agosto de 2008

Another Amazing Colombian Artist #6 - ATERCIOPELADOS

A-ter-ci-o-pe-la-dos. That sure is a mouthful. This Bogota band was one of the first well known rock bands in Colombia. Their music really is haunting. Andrea Echeverri, the lead singer and accoustic guitarist, now has her own album out. It is beautiful. If you want to hear her individual album, go here.

This band has a lot of depth and is sometimes a little strange (especially their old stuff in the 90s), but they are entirely Colombian. This particular song, El Estuche, is my favorite. Listen to the lyrics, it is something Antonio likes to lecture as well:

Mira la escencia, no las apariencias
El cuerpo es sólo un estuche y los ojos la ventana,
De nuestra alma... aprisionada

(Look at the essence, not the appearances. The body is only a case and the eyes the window... of our imprisoned soul).
Lo que hay adentro es lo que vale
(What is inside is what matters).

Aterciopelados - "El Estuche"

Some of their old stuff (very rock-y):

Aterciopelados - "Baracunata"

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