So John McCain revealed his running mate today, on his 72nd birthday, which will be Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, a 44 year old social conservative and self-proclaimed "hockey mom." Nice move. My congratulations to McCain for a good choice. And while McCain supporters were busy attacking Obama for his choice in VP as an "admission of weakness" I can't help but think of McCain's choice as a cheap theatre trick executed in part to have the appearance of support for a minority group and partially with the possibility of luring ex-Hillary supporters looking for a way to release their anger at their candidate's unfortunate falling out. But the truth is, Joe Biden is no more of an admission of weakness as Sarah Palin is a walking "Look! We care about minorities!" sign on the Republican Party. It's just a running mate. As we know their job is mostly just to break ties in the Senate.
But a "maverick" social conservative? That is the last thing America needs. I hate to say it, but what we need is change. What we need is diplomacy. What we need is intelligence. What we need is limited offshore drilling with an investment in alternative energy sources. I really hope Hillary supporters aren't moronic enough to vote for a ticket just because there is a woman on it. If Hillary's intelligence has any reflection on her supporters I'm sure they won't. We should vote for the candidate, not the color, not the gender, not the age. And if we don't like any of them, we can just stay home.
So it comes to this... a Leo versus a Virgo. Just like an old relationship. And man did we fiiiight... This election is going to be a hell of a ride...
The Power of Persistence
Hace 5 días
2 comentarios:
I'm sorry for disagreeing with you, hahaha, but I'm beginning to believe firmly in the tamdem McCain-Palin. Definitely, I love Sarah Palin... And taking into account that in Europe we're only given bad news about republicans (even worst in Spain), it's amazing!
Wow! It's gonna be a great campaign! We'll talk about it!
See you, G
Wow, you know I've been reading La Vanguardia online everyday and it seems like alot of Spaniards are criticising Obama!
Well, no matter who wins.. if McCain wins, I definitely will not return to the country. What Americans really need is intelligence. I don't think McCain has that, even though he has experience. But we shall see I guess...
Ciao, nos vemos, o puedo esperar a regresar a españa!
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